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How to fix the vaapi warning in PoE hubs and GPU reset


If you find the below warning in "vital info" button on admin dash that shows like this below:




Troubleshooting steps to resolve:
** Only perform these steps under the guidance of tech support and this is the only time a PoE hub should be opened in the field **
1. Power down the PoE hub.
2. Unplug the power connector to the GPU card.
3. Power the hub back on and boot into BIOS; wait a few minutes for the hub to boot up.
4. Enable iGPU: use F9 to search 'GPU' and find iGPU drop down box and select enable.
5. Power the hub back down again and reconnect the GPU connector.
6. Power the Hub back and ensure it can auto run.
7. Check admin dash for (or lack of) for the warning message.