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POE Hub GPU stress test

As per Ricky created a utility program named 'gst', linked in the ticket.



As per Ricky created a utility program named 'gst', linked in the ticket.


How to use:

  1. download the file 'gst' from the ticket
  2. copy it to a USB thumb drive
  3. boot the POE hub
  4. login to the console (user deepsentinel)
  5. create a mount point: (this may ask for the password again)

sudo mkdir /mnt/usb

  1. insert the usb thumb drive
  2. mount it:

sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb

  1. change directory to the mount point:

cd /mnt/usb

  1. run the gst program:



If you want to run it repeatedly, instead of ./gst do:

while true; do ./gst; sleep 60; done


Press Ctrl+c to stop it.

Modify 60 to as many seconds as you want between runs.