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Deep Sentinel does not enforce restraining orders

A restraining order is a legal order issued by a state court that requires one person to stop harming another person. It is also sometimes called a protection order, an injunction, an order of protection, or another similar name.


There are several reasons why Deep Sentinel does not enforce restraining orders

  • Restraining order laws are state laws, and each state has different laws (also called statutes) that lay out the requirements for getting an order.
  • A Deep Sentinel Guard cannot positively identify the subject of a restraining order, so we cannot guarantee that we will intervene.
      • Guards can not positively identify the subject as the 'restrained party' by just looking at them via video surveillance because a person's appearance can change dramatically or differ hugely from a photograph.
  • Restraining orders need to be served (the due process and statutory requirements for giving notice to a defendant about a legal action) to be enforceable, and proof of service needs to be on file with the PD in the CAD/ NCIC system.
      • Deep Sentinel does not have access to those systems or the details within the restraining order such as cannot be within 100 yards, etc.)
  • Restraining orders are only enforceable by police when a violation occurs.