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LSC Guard Pause

The T&Cs mention the Pause feature in various ways
Section iii) In the event that an LSC Employee reviews a video sent by the Deep Sentinel Product, they will use commercially reasonable efforts to determine if a crime is in progress or if a crime is about to be committed.  
Section vii) LSC-Disabled Period and Not Protected Events Limitation: For the avoidance of doubt, if a Loss Event occurs during a Not Protected Event or during an LSC-Disabled Period (whether initiated by the user or by an LSC Employee because of a Not Protected Event as defined in the LSC Service Level), such Loss Event will not be an Eligible Loss. LSC-Disabled Periods can be initiated by you using the Deep Sentinel Mobile App by initiating privacy mode or may be initiated by an LSC Employee during a Not Protected Event as defined with the LSC Service Levels.
For example, if you hold a 3-hour barbecue on a Saturday; and during this barbecue, the LSC Employee identifies this as a Not Protected Event and initiates a Sleep Period; further, during that barbecue, one of your guests steals your bike, this Loss Event is not an Eligible Loss.
EXHIBIT A: Deep Sentinel's LSC Service Levels ("LSC Service Levels")
Not Protected Events
If an LSC Employee identifies one of the "Not Protected Events" listed below in his or her sole good judgment, the LSC Employee will not be required to respond, and the LSC Employee may initiate an LSC-Disabled Period for that Deep Sentinel Camera for up to 15 minutes.
Deep Sentinel may send you a message related to this LSC-Disabled Period via the Deep Sentinel Mobile App, via email, via phone call, or otherwise.
Not Protected Event
A picnic, party, or barbecue
Children playing or otherwise hanging out
Watching a pool to provide pool safety
Property crimes that occur within the view of the camera but not on your property
Contractors entering and exiting a property
A camera placed inside the home