LiveSentinel guards are trained extensively on identifying “core” types of behavior:

  • Clearly innocuous behavior: A child returning home from school, a car pulling into the garage.

  • Clearly criminal behavior: a person using a crowbar to open a door, a person peering into the windows around the front door, a person hiding in a bush.

  • Suspicious but not criminal behavior: A solicitor ringing the doorbell but not leaving for 2 minutes, a person looking under the mat for a key.

These behaviors are then channeled into response protocols that ensure that every guard responds similarly to other guards. These protocols dictate specific things like how to handle solicitors, what to do if an guard sees suspicious behavior that isn’t criminal, and a key protocol is called “Trust but Verify” -- Deep Sentinel’s “HELLO” Protocol. If our LiveSentinel guards see a behavior that is suspicious but not criminal, they will respond to the event in a non-elevated manner, addressing the person with “Hello, this is Deep Sentinel” and requesting to understand their business. Additionally, if it is a visitor (the in-laws for example) you can inform them about the system and let them know not to be alarmed if we engage and verify their identity.

Furthermore, we have identified key specialist training that LiveSentinel guards should be familiar with:

  • Juveniles: At Deep Sentinel, we recognize that our nation’s youth are our future. While we do not condone criminal behavior and will certainly report any behavior that endangers people or property, we also believe that it is a responsibility for communities to address and support juveniles as they transition into adulthood. Therefore, events like TP’ing will not be reported to law enforcement.

  • Bias: LiveSentinel guards are trained on the potential for both explicit and implicit biases--across gender, race, and religion. Further, Deep Sentinel tracks behavior metrics on all LiveSentinel guards to prevent any potential that implicit or explicit bias affects the behavior of those guards as they protect homes.

Identifying suspicious behavior is a key skill of LiveSentinel guards, so training is both extensive and ongoing. We have sought guidance on our training from some of the top experts nationally on training, criminal behavior, surveillance as well as civil rights organizations.

LiveSentinel is a revolutionary new service, so while we have invested millions in ensuring it is the state-of-the-art in surveillance, we also recognize that it is new. Therefore, we are constantly improving our training. If you have thoughts or feedback, such feedback would be welcome--please just contact