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How do LiveSentinel guards deter or prevent a burglary?

When a LiveSentinel guard views a potential security event they determine the appropriate response based on very clear Standard Operating Procedures. Each guard receives extensive training before beginning surveillance and receives weekly and monthly training ongoing for the entire period of their service.

A guard may choose from 4 responses to an event:

  • Dismissed: Reviewed by a LiveSentinel guard and confirmed to be innocuous behavior.

  • Inspected: Reviewed by a LiveSentinel guard, and that guard identified potentially suspicious behavior. The guard than can view the feed for a prolonged period of time to inspect the behavior more closely.

  • HELLO: After review, the LiveSentinel guard determined that the observed behavior was not clearly criminal, but was concerning enough to engage using 2-way audio. This might be, for example, a solicitor ringing the doorbell, but then not leaving for 2 minutes.

  • STOP: The LiveSentinel guard determined that a crime was in progress and enacted the STOP protocol--demanding that the behavior stop and potentially contacting law enforcement.