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Hub Replacement Instructions

Replacement Hub Instructions

Please carefully follow the instructions below to install your replacement Hub.

The Hub replacement process requires the Cameras to be Factory reset then re-added (one at a time) to enable them to be removed from the old hub and to pair with the new hub. Start with either Step 1 or 2.

  1. Factory resetting cameras if existing / original Hub and cameras are still online or can be brought online
    • Connect the ethernet cable and AC adapter on the existing/original HubKB1.png
  2. Factory resetting cameras if existing / original Hub cannot be brought online if camera(s) are offline.
    • Collect the camera and bring them to the room where the hub is located.KB2.png
  3. Associating replacement hub with account
    • Disconnect the ethernet cable and AC adapter from the existing/original HubKB3.png
  4. Add cameras to the new Hub
